Monday, February 8, 2010

Cylon Raider

First introduced in Battlestar Galactica (1978) The Cylon Raider is the main attack fighter for the Cylons. The ship itself is actually a living creature. When a raider is destroyed it is "re-born" with all the memories transferring over. So that new raiders do not need to be retrained. Raiders are capable of making FTL jumps. Raiders carry many weapons from nuclear weapons to kinetic energy weapons.

SSV Normandy

First seen in Mass Effect video game (2007). The Normandy is System Alliance starship. The ship is best suited for solo reconnaissance missions deep within unstable regions, using state-of-the-art stealth technology powered by an experimental drive core. The ship is named after the Battle of Normandy (1944) Which was a pivotal battle in the second world war. This ship is destroyed in the beginning moments of Mass Effect 2 (2010) but is re-built to be almost the exact same with only minor improvements.

X -wing

The X-wing is a star fighter that first appeared in Star Wars: A New Hope. (1977) It was the ship Luke Skywalker used to take down the Death Star. They are the primary fighter for the Rebel Alliance. X-wings usually have 1 pilot and 1 r2-d2 model droid.

Borg cube

First seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Q Who" 1989. The Cube is a spacecraft used by the Borg to assimilate other species. The cube has warp capability. The ability to Self-Regenerate. Various beam and missile weapons and the ability to adapt to almost any assault. A single Borg Cube has taken on a entire Federation fleet as seen multiple times in the Star Trek series.

Colonial Viper Mark II

First appearing in Battlestar Galactica (1978). Later remade in the (2003) Sci Fi channel series. The Mk II were a out dated model. Only still kept in use with the out dated Battlestar Galctica. They were some of the only Vipers to survive the first cylon attack thanks to the fact that this old models were not connected to a central network. The Viper is a single-seat craft carrying two kinetic energy weapons, as well as having two spots under the wings to support missiles. Richard Hudolin production designer stated "The only things that we wanted to carry through (from the original film and series) were the mark II ships."

Millennium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon first appeared in Star Wars: A New Hope (1977). The Millennium Falcon is refereed to as a "Piece of junk" the first time Luke Skywalker spots the ship. The ship pilot is Han Solo who accuired the ship in a card game from Lando Calrissian. Han Solo operates the ship with his wookie first mate Chobacka. Han Solo replies to Luke Skywalker by saying "may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts."

Battlestar Galactica

First appeared in Battlestar Glactica (1978) Later reimagined in the 2004 Battlestar Glactica series on the Sci FI channel. One of the first twelve Battlestars built it was 1 of only 2 built that survived the cylon attack. It was older then all the other battlestars still in service so it had not yet been networked with all the other systems. So the Battlestar Glactica was not effect by the cylon virus that made all other battlestars at the time unusable. At the End of the Battlestar Glactica series Galactic is destroyed. It gets the rare honor of being a main ship of the "good guys" to be destroyed.